Quiz - American Heroes and Icons: How Well Do You Know Them? - Codiclick

American Heroes and Icons: How Well Do You Know Them?

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Who was the principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776?
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
John Adams



Which civil rights leader delivered the famous "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963?
Malcolm X
Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King Jr.
Frederick Douglass



Who was the first American woman to travel into space?
Sally Ride
Amelia Earhart
Valentina Tereshkova
Mae Jemison



Which American president is known for leading the country during the Civil War?
Andrew Jackson
Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant
Thomas Jefferson



Who invented the incandescent light bulb, an icon of American innovation?
Nikola Tesla
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
George Washington Carver



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American Heroes and Icons: How Well Do You Know Them?

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