10 Incredible Facts About Space That Will Make You Reflect on the Universe - Codiclick


10 Amazing Facts About Space That Will Make You Think About The Universe


The universe is vast, mysterious and often challenging to understand.


Even though scientists are constantly making new discoveries, the cosmos remains a great puzzle, with secrets that fascinate and make us feel small in the face of its immensity.


Learning some interesting facts about space can make us think about our place in the universe. Here are ten incredible facts that will give you a new perspective on the infinite world out there.


1. The Universe Is Constantly Expanding


The idea that the universe is expanding is a concept that challenges our perception of time and space. Discovered in the early 20th century, this expansion indicates that galaxies are moving away from each other.


The further away they are, the faster they move. This expansion is believed to be the result of the Big Bang, the explosion that gave rise to the universe about 13.8 billion years ago.

This fact makes us realize that in the grand scheme of things, the universe is always changing, and what we see now is just a fraction of what it will become.

2. Space Is Not Completely Empty

When we think of space, we imagine a vast, dark, silent void. Although space is extremely vast and largely devoid of matter, it is not completely empty.

The so-called spatial “vacuum” contains tiny particles, radiation and magnetic fields that permeate the entire cosmos.

Even the background radiation from the Big Bang is still present, a kind of echo of the explosion that started it all.

3. There Is A Star Bigger Than Jupiter's Orbit

In our solar system, the Sun is huge. However, compared to other stars, it is relatively small. The star VY Canis Majoris, located about 3,900 light-years from Earth, is one of the largest stars ever discovered.

If this star were positioned at the center of our solar system, its surface would reach beyond the orbit of Jupiter! The scale of this star shows us how tiny we are in relation to the cosmos.

4. On Venus, the Day Lasts Longer Than a Year.

Venus has an extremely slow rotation around its own axis.

It takes about 243 Earth days to complete one full rotation, which means that a “day” on Venus is longer than the time it takes to orbit the Sun, which is 225 Earth days.

This curious fact challenges our common conception of time and shows how the rhythms of the universe can be surprisingly different.

5. Black Holes Can “Evaporate”

Although black holes are known for their immense gravitational force, which sucks in even light, they may not be eternal.

Physicist Stephen Hawking theorized that over trillions of years, black holes could lose mass through radiation called “Hawking radiation,” which would eventually cause them to “evaporate.”

This process is still theoretical, but it shows us that even these cosmic monsters have a life cycle.

6. There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth

It is difficult to imagine the number of stars in the universe. It is believed that there are approximately 100 billion galaxies, each of which is home to billions of stars.

To put it in perspective, there are more stars in the observable universe than all the grains of sand on all the beaches and deserts on Earth.

This stunning fact reinforces how vast and mysterious the cosmos is compared to our everyday experience.

7. There Are Planets That Float Alone in Space

Most of the planets we know of orbit a star, much like Earth orbits the Sun. However, astronomers have discovered planets that do not have a parent star, called “rogue planets” or “orphan planets.”

These planets roam through space without orbiting any star, challenging our understanding of planetary systems.

8. Time Passes Differently in Space

Due to Einstein's theory of relativity, time in space is not the same as on Earth.

This means that depending on gravity and the speed at which you are traveling, time can pass more slowly or more quickly.

For example, an astronaut on the International Space Station experiences a slight slowdown in time compared to someone on Earth.

In extreme gravity environments, such as near a black hole, this time difference would be even more noticeable.

9. There Is A Planet Made Of Diamonds

In 2004, astronomers discovered an exoplanet called 55 Cancri e, which is composed mostly of carbon.

Given the planet’s high pressure and temperature, much of this carbon is believed to be in the form of diamonds. Despite being 40 light-years away, this planet shines like a jewel in the sky, literally.

10. Saturn Could Float on Water

Even though it is a gas giant, Saturn has such a low density that if it had a large enough ocean, it would float!

Saturn's low density is due to its composition, which is mostly hydrogen and helium. This fun fact reminds us that even the giants of the solar system have their own fascinating quirks.


These interesting facts about space reveal just how incredible and vast the universe we inhabit is. As much as we have learned about the cosmos, there is still so much more to be discovered.

Each new fact makes us feel small, but it also inspires us to keep exploring and seeking to understand our place in the grand scheme of things.

Space is a constant reminder that there is much more out there than meets the eye.