Implementation of the Design Logic

Implementation Approach Philosophies Waterfall Approach The waterfall approach to implementing an application requires a designer to consult with one or more representatives of the end-user organization and write down all application specifications. Typically, specifications come in a set of functional documents or use cases, written in such a way that the user […]

PMBOK, Project Management/Project Management

The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an organization that attempts to establish a standard order and criteria for project management. To this end, PMI maintains the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) where a whole set of tools and good practices are established that every project manager should know and apply. In contrast to other methodologies (e.g. […]

Connection pooling - mobile app development, web services, SOA architecture

What is connection pooling? Connection pooling allows you to reuse existing connections to reduce the overhead of continually creating and dropping connections that have the same configuration. In other words, opening and closing connections that use the same connection string and credentials can reuse an available connection in the pool. […]

WS-AtomicTransaction – Mobile app development, web services, SOA architecture

WS-AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) is an interoperable transaction protocol. It enables distributed transaction flow through the use of web service messaging and coordinates interoperably across heterogeneous transaction infrastructures. WS-AT uses the two-phase execution protocol to create an atomic result between distributed applications, […]