How to change the background of videos with ClipChamp's Green Screen - Tecnologia
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How to change video background with ClipChamp Green Screen

How to apply green screen filter to videos with Microsoft Store ClipChamp app by adjusting threshold and color to change video background


In the previous post I reviewed the video editor
which was purchased about a year ago by Microsoft and who is advertising in
Video editor
native with a link to your installation of
Microsoft Store.

is a browser application that can also be used directly from
Chrome, Firefox or Edge after logging in with an account Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Dropbox or with email and password.

However, I find it more effective to install clipchamp
in Microsoft Storeby searching for the app in the search box or by clicking on the previous link. You go to the button
download in the store app then wait for the download to finish and go to To start to open the application window. The first step will be to connect with the account used for this Store and then open the homepage of clipchamp in the application.

If this is your first time using it, go up
Create your first video to open the editor
. You can use the audio, video and image contents available in the application file or go to the

in the upper left corner and drag in the window that opens the video and other files to operate.

I posted on Youtube channel
a tutorial in which I illustrate how to apply the
Green screen with clipchamp.

Drag the video that will form the background to the Timeline
of the application, then the one with the Green screen, on the track just above the first one. The video above will hide the video below, which will not be displayed.

You select the video with the green background with a left mouse click to display the buttons.

green screen filter

click in Filters and scroll through the filters present. When hovering the mouse over one of them, its effects will be displayed on the player's screen.
To view. You scroll down the filters until you find the one Green screen on what click.

Will come deleted automatically that
green background that will become
transparent showing the video below.

green screen settings

After applying the green screen filter, we pass to his optimization. Click on the button
filter settings
. By default, the cursor is positioned where the results statistically should be the best.

This is not always the case because subject colors can be
more or less similar to the background green color. Then we act on the cursor of the screen limit moving it left or right until you find optimal performance.

Instead of a video with a homogeneous color background Greenbackgrounds of other primary colors, such as
Red and the Blue. In this case they are chosen from the menu below screen color. If we have no plans to make any further changes to the design, we should move on to

of the resulting video Timeline.

exporting video clipchamp

he goes up Export then you choose the resolution from the three options 480p, 720p AND 1080p which is the highest quality in HD. You can also export the video as animated image in format gif if the video itself does not exceed i 15 seconds. In my test, however, I could see that the result is not excellent and, if you want to create a
it is better to export the video to MP4 with
clipchamp and then import it to shotcut and create a
quality gifs