How to change eye color in a photo with GIMP - Codiclick


How to Change Eye Color in a Photo with GIMP



Change the iris color of the eyes with the Gimp and with the Elliptical Marquee and Freehand tools, acting on Hue and Saturation in Colors

With graphic editors it is possible to change the color of an area of a photo in a not very complicated way. The biggest difficulty is to select the contour that you want to modify. As far as changing eye color is concerned, we have already seen how to proceed with some
online tools

specially created.

Of course also with
you can change the iris color of the eyes. In this article we will see how to proceed with
free, open source and installable on
Windows, Mac and Linux
. who still didn't have
on the computer, he can open the newly linked home and go to
Download [version number].

At the time of writing this post, the latest version is
2.10.30. After clicking the button, another page will open where you can choose the
operational system so go up
Download Gimp Directly

a user windows will download a file in
.exe to double-click and follow the installation wizard dialogs. I remember the interface of

could it be
in many of its components.

This is especially necessary if you are used to having
a colorful interface
which by default it is not. The selection of the eyes is done in the first instance with the eye tool. elliptical selection and secondly with that of freehand selection which will allow us to eliminate the part of the iris hidden by the eyelid.

I posted on Youtube channel
a tutorial that illustrates the steps to change the color of the iris of the eyes.


he lets himself go gimp then click on the menu
File -> Openselect the photo you want to operate on from PC and if it doesn't open automatically then go to To convert in the pop-up to adapt the color profile of the photo to that of

Scroll the mouse wheel forward while holding down Ctrl for
zoom in and have one eye in the foreground. Click on the tool elliptical selection. On the panel
tool options, visible below, check a Fixed and you establish a relationship 1: 1 draw a perfect circle then the option is also flagged Expand from the center to design. Click with the cursor on eye center then move it out to contain all the iris. You can adapt the selection by moving its corners and sides.

iris eye selection

The circular selection will also include a part of the lid that shouldn't change color.

Then click on the tool
freehand selection

which is the consideration of Link from
photoshop. Inside tool options you select the Subtract from current selection mode and then draw in the circular selection part to be deleted. This is the eyelid that covers part of the iris. Click on the starting point, draw with the cursor, and go back to where you started to complete the contour to climb Digitize.

selection subtraction

You can also operate more subtractions of selection if we went beyond the iris and also selected some of the white of the eye. You then move the image with both vertical and horizontal sliders to
see the second eye in the foreground. In the instruments we chose again the
elliptical selection.

We leave the previous settings, but this time, however, in
tool options, we opted for
Add to current selection in order of
do not delete selection which we have already completed in the first eye.

second eye circular selection

After drawing the selection around the iris and adjusting it with the handles, let's move on to the
freehand selection as
Subtract from Current Selection Mode
. you can then
uncheck the part of the circle that is above the eyelid
and touch up parts of the selection outside the iris.

An outline is created with an initial click and a second click, always on the first to locate the selection and then up Type. At the end you type Ctrl + Shift + J to view the full layout image.

duplicate layer and add mask

in the panel Levels he goes down
Duplicate Layer, you select the level of
copy of then click on it with the right mouse button and, in the menu that opens over it, go up Add a layer mask. A window will open where you can check a
make sure the option is not flagged
invert mask so go up to add. will be added black miniature with two
white dots at the selected level.

If the two white dots relating to the eyes are not clearly visible, you can go to the small downward pointing arrow to the right of the eye guides. Panel so go up
Preview Size -> Extra Large.

You then go to the top menu Select -> None per
clean the irises From the eyes. You select the image thumbnail on the copied layer (not the black one). You then go to the top menu Colors -> Hue Saturation.

hue and saturation applied to the selection

A window will open with sliders to define the color changes that will be applied only to the selections.

You can select the button Director to change the parameters of all colors at the same time.

change eye color

Alternatively you can select the primary color
C, B, M, R, Y and G. and then act on the three cursors of
Hue, Brightness and Saturation. before i go up

you can try to choose merger options.

All mix options including
Multiply, Burn, Dark Only, Light Onlyetc…

color mode

Choosing the right mode is important when you want to switch between
dark eyes to light eyes and vice versa.

he goes up OK to apply the iris color change and save the result. Right click on the original level and go up Merge Visible Layers -> Merge. Then click on File -> Export As..., you select the folder from resultyou give a first name for the file, click Export and again in Export
in the next window.