Tips for Organizing Your Finances - Codiclick


Tips for Organizing Your Finances


Financial organization is an essential skill that can bring peace of mind, security and freedom to realize dreams and achieve goals.


However, many people have difficulty starting this process and, when they are faced with unforeseen events or unexpected expenses, they end up feeling frustrated.


That's why I've put together a series of practical tips that will help you get your finances in order in an efficient and sustainable way.



Additionally, I will also cover the best places to invest the money you save through these strategies.

1. Make a Financial Diagnosis


The first step to organizing your finances is knowing exactly where you stand. As with any planning, diagnosis is essential to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your financial situation.

To do this, start by writing down all your income (salaries, freelance work, extra income) and all your expenses (fixed and variable). There are several tools and apps that can make this task easier, such as Mobills, Organizze and Minhas Economias.

At the end of this survey, you will have a clear view of where the problem lies. Often, the lack of control comes from small expenses that, at the end of the month, end up having a significant impact on the budget. Recognizing this is the first step towards change.

2. Create a Budget

Once you understand your financial situation, the next step is to create a budget. A budget is simply a plan of how you will spend your money.

It should include all of your expected income and expenses, ensuring that you don’t spend more than you earn. The 50-30-20 rule is one of the most popular and can be a good starting point:

  • 50% of income for essential expenses (housing, food, transportation).
  • 30% for variable expenses (leisure, personal purchases).
  • 20% for investments and financial reserves.

This distribution can be adjusted according to your reality, but the important thing is to ensure that a portion of your income is allocated to investments and the emergency fund.

3. Best Place to Keep Your Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is crucial to ensuring that you have security in times of unforeseen circumstances, such as illness or job loss.

It should be enough to cover 3 to 6 months of your essential expenses. A common mistake is to leave your emergency fund in a checking or savings account. While these options are safe, they offer very low returns.

One of the best options for saving your emergency fund is to invest in a Selic Treasury or in a CDB with daily liquidity. These investments are safe, have good profitability and allow you to withdraw the money at any time, without losses.

Keeping your emergency fund in an easily accessible place, but which still provides some income, is key to good financial organization.

4. Avoid getting into debt

One of the biggest financial pitfalls is debt. In many cases, it starts small, with frequent use of credit cards or financing purchases, but it can quickly spiral out of control.

To avoid falling into this trap, plan your purchases carefully and avoid paying for unnecessary expenses in installments.

If you are already in debt, a good tip is to list all your debts, with their respective interest rates. Prioritize paying off those with the highest interest rates, as they are the ones that generate the most costs in the long run.

Negotiating with creditors to obtain discounts on cash payments or exchanging expensive debts for others with lower interest rates can also be a good strategy.

5. Best Places to Invest and Build Wealth

Once you have your budget in order and have an emergency fund in place, the next step is to start investing to make your money work for you.

There are several types of investments available, and the choice depends on your investor profile (conservative, moderate or bold) and your financial goals.

For those who are starting out, a good tip is to invest in Real Estate Funds (FIIs) or in Stocks of good dividend paying companies. FIIs allow you to invest in real estate without having to buy a physical property, and the dividends paid by the shares can generate an interesting passive income.

Another safe and low-risk option is Direct Treasury, especially for medium to long-term goals.

It is important to remember that diversification is the key to successful investing. Avoid investing all your money in just one asset. Spreading your investments across different asset classes (fixed income, stocks, real estate) helps minimize risk and maximize returns.

6. Automate Payments and Investments

One of the most effective ways to ensure you stick to your financial plan is to automate the process. This means scheduling automatic debits for your fixed bills as well as your investments.

Many banks and brokerages allow you to schedule automatic transfers to your investment account each month.

Additionally, automating bill payments ensures that you don’t forget to pay them and end up paying fines or interest. With automation, you save time and avoid mistakes that could compromise your budget.

7. Best Places to Seek Financial Education

To be successful in financial organization, it is essential to continue learning. The financial market is constantly changing, and the more informed you are, the better your decisions will be.

Fortunately, today there are several resources available for those who want to learn about finance, from blogs and podcasts to free courses.

Some of the best places to seek financial education include sites like Spare Me! It is Your Money, which offer accessible and easy-to-understand content.

Additionally, YouTube channels like Cousin Rico's Channel It is EconoMirna are great for learning about investments in a practical and relaxed way. It is also worth reading books such as “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, by Robert Kiyosaki, and “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, by T. Harv Eker, which provide valuable lessons on financial mindset and building wealth.

8. Emotional Control and Discipline

An important part of financial organization is emotional control. Consumption is often linked to emotional issues, and impulse purchases can harm your financial planning.

Having discipline and staying focused on your goals is essential to prevent emotions from affecting your purchasing decisions.

A valuable tip is to adopt the “30-day challenge”. When you feel like buying something that you hadn’t planned on buying, wait 30 days before making the decision. This allows you to better reflect on the purchase and avoid impulsive spending.

9. Best Places to Open Accounts and Invest

Nowadays, there are many financial institutions that offer free accounts and accessible investment platforms.

For those looking for practicality, the Nubank and the Inter Bank are great options, as they offer accounts with no fees and automatic returns. If the objective is to invest, brokers such as XP Investments, Rich It is Easynvest They have intuitive platforms and a wide range of financial products for all investor profiles.

These services allow you to closely monitor your finances and investments, with full control in the palm of your hand through apps. When choosing a financial institution, always look for those that offer good service, competitive rates and an easy-to-use platform.

10. Revisit Your Planning Regularly

Even if everything is organized, it is essential to review your financial planning periodically. Life circumstances change – promotions at work, job changes, new expenses, among others – and planning must be adjusted according to these changes.

A good practice is to review your budget and investments every six months or whenever there is a significant change in your life. This ensures that your financial planning remains realistic and effective.

11. Best Places to Plan Conscious Travel and Leisure

Organizing your finances doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying life. It’s completely possible to plan trips and leisure time without compromising your budget. To do this, it’s essential to use platforms that help you find the best prices and promotions.

Sites like Kayak, Skyscanner It is Google Flights are great for comparing airline ticket prices and finding good deals. As for accommodation, Airbnb and the offer a wide variety of accommodations, often at more affordable prices than traditional hotels.

These platforms allow you to plan your trips in advance, ensuring savings and quality in your leisure time.

12. Share the Planning with Family

Financial organization also involves the people you live with. If you have a family, it’s important that everyone is on the same page when it comes to finances. This helps avoid conflict and ensures that everyone is aligned with the same financial goals.

Talk about your family budget, short- and long-term goals, and set priorities together. Having family support makes the financial organization process easier and more effective.


Organizing your finances may seem like a challenge at first, but with discipline, planning and the use of the right tools, it is possible to achieve a healthy financial life.