Consult the FGTS Online: Understand how to Check your FGTS from Home! - Technology
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Consult the FGTS Online: Understand how to Check your FGTS from Home!

Simplifying Access to Labor Financial Information


The Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is a labor right guaranteed to Brazilian workers, created to protect employees in cases of unfair dismissal, offering a type of financial reserve.

One of the most common questions among workers is how to check their FGTS balance. With the advancement of technology, the process has become simpler and more accessible, allowing workers to check their balances without leaving home.

In this article, we will explore how to carry out this consultation online, providing detailed and objective information to facilitate understanding.

1. What is the FGTS?

The Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is a labor benefit guaranteed by the 1988 Federal Constitution. It consists of a monthly deposit made by the employer into an account linked to the worker at Caixa Econômica Federal.

This fund works as a type of compulsory savings, which can be withdrawn in specific situations, such as unfair dismissal, retirement, purchasing your own home, among others.

2. Why is it important to check the FGTS balance?

Checking the FGTS balance is essential for workers to closely monitor the amount deposited in their linked account. This practice allows him to be aware of the amount available for withdrawal and to plan his finances according to his needs and objectives.

Furthermore, staying informed about the FGTS balance also helps to identify possible irregularities or problems in the transfer of amounts by the employer.

3. How to check the FGTS online?

Checking your FGTS balance online is a simple and quick process. Caixa Econômica Federal provides several options so that workers can carry out this consultation in a safe and efficient way.

One of the most practical ways is through Caixa's official website, where you can access the area designated for FGTS and enter the necessary data to view the available balance.

4. Step by step to check the FGTS online:

1. Enter the official Caixa Econômica Federal website.
2. On the home page, click on the “FGTS” option.
3. Select the desired query option, such as “Full FGTS Statement” or “FGTS Balance Query”.
4. Enter the requested data, such as NIS number (PIS/PASEP) and access password.
5. After filling in the information, click on “Consult” or “Enter” to access the FGTS balance.

5. Other ways to consult the FGTS:

In addition to the Caixa website, there are other ways to check your FGTS balance online. One of them is through the FGTS application, available for smartphones in application stores.

With the application, workers can access their balance quickly and conveniently, in addition to receiving notifications about deposits and withdrawals made to their linked account.

Another option is to use internet banking services offered by banks partnered with Caixa Econômica Federal. Many financial institutions allow their customers to check their FGTS balance directly through their websites or applications, making access to information even easier.

6. Importance of regular FGTS consultation:

Checking the FGTS balance regularly is important to ensure that the amounts deposited by the employer are correct and in accordance with employment obligations.

Furthermore, this practice allows workers to monitor the growth of their assets and be aware of the resources available for withdrawal in case of need or emergency.

7. Care when checking the FGTS online:

When consulting the FGTS online, it is important to take some precautions to ensure the security of personal and financial information. Make sure you access the official Caixa Econômica Federal website and avoid entering your details on suspicious or untrustworthy pages.

Additionally, always keep your device's antivirus up to date and avoid accessing your account on public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

8. The importance of the FGTS as a financial reserve:

In addition to being a labor right, the FGTS also plays a fundamental role as a financial reserve for the worker. The amounts deposited monthly can be used in times of need, such as to cover unforeseen expenses, make investments or even purchase your own home through the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program.

Therefore, regularly checking the FGTS balance not only helps with individual financial control, but also in building long-term financial security.

9. Access to information about withdrawals and deposits:

In addition to checking the available balance, checking the FGTS online also allows the worker to monitor information about withdrawals made and deposits made into their linked account.

This transparency in the movement of resources provides workers with greater control over their FGTS, ensuring that all amounts deposited and withdrawn are duly registered and in compliance with labor laws.

10. Ease of access for different worker profiles:

The possibility of consulting the FGTS online represents a significant advantage for different worker profiles, especially those who have long working hours or who live in locations far from bank branches.

With this convenience, workers can access their financial information at any time and from anywhere, without the need to travel or wait in line, thus optimizing their time and convenience. This contributes to greater financial inclusion and the democratization of access to labor rights.


Checking the FGTS balance online is a simple and fundamental practice for workers to closely monitor their labor rights and ensure the security of their financial resources.

With the advancement of technology, this process has become increasingly accessible, allowing workers to carry out this consultation quickly, safely and without leaving home. Therefore, take advantage of the facilities offered on the internet and always stay informed about your FGTS balance.