Documentation Required to Receive the PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus in 2024 - Codiclick


Documentation Required to Receive the PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus in 2024


Receiving the PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus is a right for many Brazilian workers, but to ensure this benefit, it is essential to have all documentation up to date. Without the correct documentation, workers may face difficulties in accessing the amount to which they are entitled.

In this article, we will explore in detail which documents are required, how to organize them, and what to do if any of them are missing. This way, you will be prepared to ensure that you receive your Salary Bonus in 2024 without any setbacks.

Main Documents Required

The documentation required to receive the PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus is relatively simple, but it must be correct and up to date. Below, we list the main documents you will need to present:

  1. Photo ID: This is the most basic and essential document. It can be your ID (ID Card), your driver's license (CNH) or your work permit. It is essential that the document is well preserved and valid.
  2. PIS/PASEP number: The PIS/PASEP number is required to identify the worker in the system. This number can be found on your work card, FGTS statement, or Citizen Card.
  3. Work Card: The work card is a fundamental document, as it records all your work activities. It proves the employment relationship and the length of service, crucial information for calculating and granting the Salary Bonus.
  4. Proof of PIS/PASEP Registration: If you do not have your PIS/PASEP number written down or registered in another document, it is important to have proof of registration. This document is given to the worker when they register for the program.
  5. Proof of Income: The Salary Bonus is intended for workers who received, on average, up to two minimum wages during the base year. Therefore, it is essential that you have proof of income (pay slips) to hand to confirm that you meet the necessary profile to receive the benefit.
  6. RAIS: The Annual Social Information Report (RAIS) is a document filled out by the employer and sent to the federal government. It is used to verify whether the worker is entitled to the Salary Bonus. Although the worker does not need to submit the RAIS directly, it is important to ensure that the employer has sent the data correctly, as any error may prevent payment of the benefit.

How to Organize Documentation

Having your documentation organized is essential to ensure that you receive your Salary Bonus without any setbacks. Here are some tips to help you keep everything in order:

  1. Digitize Your Documents: Having digital copies of your documents can be a huge advantage. It makes it easier to send information if needed and ensures that you have quick access to them even if the originals are not at hand.
  2. Keep All Payment Receipts: Keep all your pay slips and payment receipts in a safe place. They will be essential to prove your average income during the base year and ensure that you meet the criteria to receive the Salary Bonus.
  3. Update Your Personal Information: If there is any change in your personal data, such as a change of address or name, it is important to update this information with PIS/PASEP. Outdated data may delay or even prevent payment of the benefit.
  4. Check the RAIS: As mentioned previously, the RAIS is crucial for calculating the Salary Bonus. Make sure that your employer has correctly submitted all information regarding your employment relationship. Any discrepancies must be corrected immediately to avoid problems in receiving the benefit.

What to Do in Case of Incomplete or Incorrect Documentation

Even with all the care taken, it may happen that a document is missing or contains incorrect information. See how to proceed in each of these situations:

  1. Lost or Misplaced Document: If you have lost any of the required documents, the first step is to obtain a duplicate. For example, for an identity card or work permit, you should go to the agency responsible for issuing these documents in your city. For a duplicate PIS/PASEP document, you can request one from Caixa Econômica Federal or Banco do Brasil, depending on your case.
  2. Error in RAIS: If you identify an error in the RAIS, contact your company's human resources department as soon as possible. HR should correct the information and resend the RAIS to the government. If the error is not corrected, you may not be able to receive the Salary Bonus.
  3. Outdated Personal Data: If your personal data is out of date, such as your name or address, contact the agency that issued the document that needs to be updated. This can be done at the Federal Revenue Service, in the case of your CPF, or at the agencies responsible for issuing your identity card or work permit.
  4. Discrepancy in PIS/PASEP Number: In some cases, there may be a discrepancy in the registered PIS/PASEP number. If this happens, it is important to contact Caixa Econômica Federal or Banco do Brasil to regularize the situation.

How to Check the Status of the Salary Bonus

Once you have organized all the documentation, it is important to monitor the status of your Salary Bonus to ensure that everything is going well. There are a few ways to check this:

  1. Caixa Trabalhador application: This application allows workers registered with PIS to check whether they are entitled to the Salary Bonus and what the payment status is. Simply download it to your smartphone and access it with your data.
  2. Banco do Brasil App: For public servants who are registered with PASEP, the Banco do Brasil app offers a service similar to that of Caixa.
  3. Caixa Econômica Federal website: Another option is to access the Caixa website, where you can check all the information regarding PIS and Abono Salarial.
  4. Customer Service Center: Both Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil have telephone call centers that can help clarify doubts and check the status of your benefit.


Organization and attention to detail are essential to ensure that you receive your PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus in 2024 without any problems. Keep in mind the importance of keeping your documentation up to date and regularly checking the status of your benefit. If you identify any problems, do not hesitate to seek help, whether from your employer, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil or a worker defense agency. With all the correct information and documents, you can ensure that the Salary Bonus will be a valuable financial support next year.