Download and install Android Studio (Windows, Linux and MAC) - Codiclick


Download and install Android Studio (Windows, Linux and MAC)


In this post we will see how to install the Android Studio development environment in the 3 main operating systems (Windows, Linux and MAC), for this example we will work with android studio version 3.1 Arctic Fox but the process is the same in any of its versions. .

What is the Android Studio IDE?

A development environment is the necessary environment to develop applications, if you work with Java there are several environments known as IDE (Integrated Development Environment)among them are Eclipse, Netbeans, JCreator, JDeveloper, IntelliJ IDEA among others, if we talk about python we find PyCharm, IDLE or even Visual Studio Code and in this way for any programming language we can find a development environment that facilitates the construction of systems.

android studio is the official IDE for developing Android applications, it is an environment based on IntelliJ IDEA which is one of the most popular and robust development environments today, (IntelliJ IDEA is the company that created the programming language KotlinGenericName)

Android Studio, as the official IDE, provides a complete environment not only for building mobile applications for cell phones or tablets, but also applications for smartwatches, vehicles, televisions, among others, it is a free environment that can be downloaded directly from official website android developers website ( )

android studio provides many options for developers such as:

  • Gradle-based build environment

  • Emulator with multiple functions.

  • Unified development environment.

  • GitHub Integration

  • code templates

  • Tools to identify performance issues.

  • C and C++ Compatibility

Installation requirements.

Android studio is a very robust tool that is constantly being updated, which means that it requires more and more technical capacity for its operation. According to the official website, these are the technical specifications to work with the tool.


To download Android Studio visit the official page and click on the download button that appears on the screen (depending on the operating system, the corresponding download button will appear).

Afterwards, a page is loaded where we must accept the use license and the download button is activated.

Clicking the button starts the download, this process may take a while depending on the speed of your internet connection.

Observation: Remember that the page will identify which operating system you are trying to download from, if you need to download the installer for Mac, but accessing it from a Windows computer, the Windows version will be downloaded, in which case you must enter the button “download options” to look for another version of the tool according to your needs.

Installation on Windows

After downloading Android Studio on Windows, we see the installation file that corresponds to an .exe file that we double-click

A welcome window appears where we click on the following and then another window is loaded indicating the components to be installed, which in this case corresponds to Android Studio and the tool to create emulators (ADL)

Pressing next loads another window where we define the installation path of the tool (it is recommended to leave the default path) so we click on next and it loads a window where it is defined whether a shortcut is created, in this case we press Install

By doing this, the installation process starts and after a while a window confirms that the installation process has been loaded, we leave the option to start Android Studio selected and we click on finish.

After that, a new window is loaded where we define whether or not some previous configurations will be imported, if we already have the tool previously installed, in this case we click on not import configurations and we click on OK.

Before we continue, let's look at the process on Linux.

Installation on Linux (Example with Ubuntu Mate)

After downloading Android Studio on Linux, we see that we have downloaded a package with the .gz extension that we must unzip.

Depending on what you want, you can work from this download path or copy the directory to another folder where the system will be hosted.

After entering the folder we can see the file “install-Linux-tar.txt”

This file contains the installation steps that we must carry out, it indicates that we must enter the bin folder and run the “” file in the terminal.

To run it, it is run directly in the terminal or the path to its launch is found as follows.

and so far we've reached the same point in the process with windows where we must define whether the previous settings are imported or not, let's now see how it's done on MAC.

Installation on MAC.

After downloading Android Studio for MAC we see that we have a dmg file

Now, to perform the installation, double click on the file to unzip it, then the installation tool is loaded where we drag android studio to the applications folder

After that, a window is loaded where it is indicated whether you want to import the previous settings or not import anything.

Continuing the process…

Later, after defining whether the settings will be imported or not, the tool splash is loaded and finally the welcome window where we will click Next

When doing so, a new window is loaded where we define the type of installation, if it is standard or custom, in this case we define Standard and click Next, then select the theme if it is dark or light mode and click Finish

After that we confirm the configuration, we can see the path where the SDK (Software Development Kit) will be installed and the location of the JDK that is included in the installation, if we need to change something we click on Previous, otherwise we click on Finish and the download process begins , wait for the download to finish, and click Finish again.

When finished, a welcome window to the tool is presented again, in which we can start creating our projects, open an existing one or get it from a repository, from here you can also configure some elements such as the visual appearance or view the documentation in Android Studio.

and with that we would already have the tool installed on our machine ready, in the case of linux we would probably have to create a launcher, you can find this process in the step-by-step video.

And that's it, I hope you enjoyed this video and this post, in the next posts we will continue to delve deeper into this operating system!!!!

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