Understanding Past Life Regression - Codiclick


Understanding Past Life Regression: Origin, Techniques, and Controversies

Explore the fascinating technique of past life regression, its origins, different therapeutic approaches, scientific controversies and the benefits that can be obtained through this practice.


The search for self-knowledge and understanding our past experiences has aroused increasing interest in different parts of the world. Past life regression is a technique that seeks to bring to light memories and experiences from previous lives, with the aim of resolving current problems and promoting emotional healing.

Origin of past life regression

The technique of past life regression has its roots in ancient belief systems and spiritual philosophies such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

These traditions teach that life is a continuous cycle of births and deaths, seeking spiritual evolution over multiple incarnations. The idea of past lives is also present in other cultures, such as indigenous and shamanic traditions.

However, the therapeutic approach of past life regression began to develop in the early 20th century. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung proposed the concept of the “collective unconscious,” which included the possibility of accessing past-life memories and experiences during therapy.

This idea was later adopted by other psychotherapists, such as Brian Weiss and Roger Woolger, who developed specific past life regression techniques.

Techniques used in past life regression

There are several techniques and approaches used in past life regression, each with its own methods and therapeutic purposes. Some of the most common techniques include:

Regressive hypnosis: In this technique, the therapist uses hypnosis to take the patient into a state of deep relaxation, where it is possible to access memories of past lives. During the session, the therapist asks leading questions and helps the patient explore their past experiences.

Cellular Memory Therapy: This therapeutic approach is based on the idea that past life memories are stored in cells in the body. The therapist uses gentle touch and emotional release techniques to access these memories and promote healing.

Guided Past Life Therapy: In this technique, the therapist leads the patient through guided visualization, imagining different scenarios and situations from past lives. The goal is to help the patient access their own memories and gain insights into their behavior patterns and current problems.

Scientific controversies regarding past life regression

Despite the growing interest and popularity of past life regression, many scientists consider the technique to be pseudoscience. The lack of solid scientific evidence and the difficulty in reproducing study results are some of the main points of controversy.

Furthermore, critics argue that the memories and experiences accessed during past life regression can be influenced by therapist suggestions, fantasies, or even false memories.

It is also important to consider that there are other explanations for the emergence of memories supposedly from past lives, such as creativity, imagination and the symbolic interpretation of the unconscious.

Benefits and Limitations of Past Life Regression

Despite scientific controversies, many people report benefits and positive transformations through past life regression.

The technique can lead to greater understanding of behavior patterns, emotional trauma and problematic relationships. By accessing these memories, it is possible to find insights and solutions to current problems.

However, it is important to emphasize that past life regression is not a magical solution to all problems. Each person is unique and may respond differently to this technique.

It is also crucial to remember that past life regression does not replace conventional therapy and must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified professional.

Origin and Fundamentals

Past life regression has its origins in ancient spiritual and religious traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It is believed that the soul, or higher self, goes through a series of incarnations over time, seeking spiritual evolution and learning.

Past life regression would then be a way of accessing the information stored in the soul about these previous lives.

It works?

There are several techniques for carrying out past life regression, with regressive hypnosis being one of the best known. In this process, the patient is led to a state of deep relaxation, allowing memories from previous lives to surface.

Another commonly used technique is regressive meditation, in which the individual is guided to a state of expanded consciousness to access these memories.

Benefits and Discoveries

Past life regression can bring a series of benefits to those who dedicate themselves to this practice. By accessing memories from previous lives, it is possible to better understand one's own choices, relationships and behavior patterns.

This can lead to greater self-awareness, allowing significant changes to be made for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Current Context

Although past life regression is a controversial technique, with many scientists considering it pseudoscience, its popularity has grown in recent years.

Many people have turned to regression therapy as a way to seek answers to deep questions and find greater meaning in their lives.

Before we explore techniques for accessing information about past lives, it is important to understand the importance of self-knowledge. Knowing yourself is the first step towards personal growth and developing emotional skills.

By understanding our characteristics, fears, desires and behavior patterns, we are able to make more conscious choices and align our actions with what we really want.

Self-knowledge also helps us to better deal with life's challenges. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses, we can direct efforts to develop skills that help us overcome obstacles.

Furthermore, understanding our motivations and beliefs allows us to question self-destructive patterns and adopt healthier, more positive habits.


Past life regression is a controversial technique, but it arouses the curiosity and interest of many people in search of self-knowledge and emotional healing.

Although scientific controversies persist, the technique can provide significant benefits to those who believe in its therapeutic possibilities.

If you are interested in exploring past life regression, it is important to research and find a qualified and experienced professional to guide you through this process. And remember, the search for self-knowledge is a personal path that requires discernment and caution.

Now that you understand a little more about past life regression, you can explore this fascinating area and open yourself to possibilities for healing and personal growth.

Knowing your past can provide a new perspective on the present and help you create a future that is more conscious and aligned with your true needs and desires.