Best apps to view satellite images - Technology
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The best apps to view satellite images

Check out the list of the best apps to view satellite images and explore the world in a totally different way!


Satellite imagery technology is already quite advanced and offers many possibilities for the most diverse areas. From the observation of natural phenomena, through agriculture, urbanism and even national defense. And with the popularization of smartphones, viewing these images has become even more accessible.

There are several applications that allow the visualization of satellite images in high resolution, making it possible to explore the Earth's surface in impressive detail. If you are curious and love to discover new places, check out some of the best apps to view satellite images.

1. Google Earth

Google Earth is one of the most popular and complete applications for viewing satellite images. Available for iOS and Android, it offers an amazing experience, allowing you to explore the world with ease. In addition, the application has several features, such as 3D visualization, navigation by tourist spots and even a timeline, which shows the evolution of a place over the years.


NASA also offers an application for viewing satellite images. Earth Now allows you to view the Earth in real time and in high definition. With it, it is possible to follow the movement of hurricanes, storms and other natural phenomena. In addition, the application has information about the atmosphere, temperature and other meteorological data.

3. ISS Live Now

ISS Live Now is an application for viewing satellite images that allows you to follow the International Space Station (ISS). With it, it is possible to see the Earth from space and follow the movement of the ISS in real time. The app is free and available for iOS and Android.

Watching the ISS stream live can be an exciting and inspiring experience for those interested in space, technology and space exploration. It is possible to observe the beauty of our planet from a unique perspective and learn more about the activities that are conducted by astronauts on the station.

4. Mapbox

Mapbox is an application that allows you to view satellite images in high resolution. It is very useful for those who work with maps, as it allows you to create custom maps and integrate with other tools. In addition, the application offers an API for developers, enabling the creation of new applications with satellite images.

5. USGS Earth Explorer

USGS Earth Explorer is an online portal created by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) that provides free access to a wide variety of satellite data and imagery. It is an essential tool for scientists, researchers and students working with remote sensing and satellite image analysis.

The portal offers a variety of data, including satellite imagery, topographic maps, elevation data and information about earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural events. Data is collected by a wide variety of satellites, including Landsat, Sentinel and MODIS.

One of the main advantages of USGS Earth Explorer is its ease of use. The portal is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find the data and images they need. In addition, the portal offers a number of visualization tools that allow users to manipulate and analyze satellite images with ease.

6. Land Viewer

Land Viewer is a cloud-based geographic information system that allows users to view, analyze and download satellite data from a variety of sources including Landsat, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. The system is designed to meet a wide variety of needs, from environmental analysis to agricultural and natural resource monitoring.

One of the main advantages of Land Viewer is its user-friendly interface. Users can easily browse available satellite data, select areas of interest and apply a wide range of filters and analysis to gain accurate insights. In addition, the system offers a number of tools for data sharing, including the ability to download satellite imagery and data directly from the system.

These are just some of the best apps for viewing satellite images. With them, it is possible to explore the world in a totally different way and discover new places and curiosities. Take advantage of available technologies and explore the world! Have you decided which experience you want to explore? Then download the app of your choice below.