How to create a virtual device to emulate your Apps

In previous entries we built a first Android project and reviewed what the directory structure that is generated with the project consists of, on this occasion we will see how to launch our application directly on an emulator or virtual device. These devices are known as Android Virtual Device (AVD) and basically consist of emulators that we create […]

How to emulate apps on a physical device

      In the previous entry we saw how to create and configure a virtual device to emulate our applications, this time we will see how to link our physical device to test our android projects. It has already been mentioned that Android Studio includes its own emulators, which we must download and configure, although this is not the only alternative, as […]

What is the SDK on Android

Before continuing with the application we have pending, it is important to continue delving a little deeper into different key elements in the process of developing mobile applications with Android, so this time we will see what the SDK is and how to work with it. The SDK stands for Software Development Kit, this is the […]

What is android manifest file

In the entry about the Android directory structure, the application manifest file was mentioned, this time we will see what it consists of and its importance. AndroidManifest file is a configuration file that our android project must have, this manifest file describes important project information. in the next publication of the official page […]

What are Android activities and what is their lifecycle?

One of the main concepts in the development of mobile applications is the concept of Activity, these being the basis of the application, this time we will see what they consist of and what their life cycle is. On the official Android developer page we can find a more detailed explanation of what activities represent ( here we will see a […]

First Modification of the APP – Capture of events and data.

In the entry about creating the first project on Android, then we saw how to create our basic application, we reviewed the project structure and different concepts such as SDK, Manifest and the activities and their life cycle, now we will continue modifying the current project with the aim of deepen the creation of applications. As mentioned, […]

Basic components in Android.

Graphic components correspond to the elements that will allow user interaction with the system, when we talk about GUI we refer to graphical user interfaces, therefore these interfaces are built through graphic elements such as buttons, menus, icons, text fields, labels, etc. text among others, a GUI combines visual design and […]