The 3 best free applications to follow lunar phases - Codiclick


The 3 best free apps to follow lunar phases

Exploring the lunar mystery: how applications connect us with the phases of the moon


In the world of amateur astronomy and the fascination with the cosmos, the phases of the moon have always played a leading role. Observing the moon from the ground is a relaxing activity, as well as educational and spiritual for many.

With the advancement of technology, it is now easier than ever to maintain detailed tracking of lunar phases, thanks to several available applications. In this post, we will explore the three best free apps that will allow you to follow the lunar phases from the convenience of your mobile device.

1. Moon Phase Calendar

One of the most popular and necessary applications to follow the phases of the moon is “Moon Phase Calendar”. This app shows a detailed calendar with each lunar phase, but also offers information about the exact time of each phase change.

Ideal for planning events that depend on a specific lunar phase, such as night photography or stargazing.

Highlighted Features:

Monthly lunar phase calendar: View all phases in an interactive monthly calendar.

Daily notifications: Option to receive alerts about phase changes.

Additional astronomical data: Information about the moon's wake and the sky, as well as details about special lunar events such as eclipses.

How to use it to observe the moon: Simply select the key that interests you and the application will show you the corresponding lunar phase along with its specific time. You can also activate notifications so you don't miss any important phases.

2. Deluxe Moon

“Deluxe Moon” is an application that focuses on providing a rich visual experience along with accurate data about the lunar phases.

It offers a detailed graphical interface that shows the moon in real time, adjusting to lighting and position changes according to the user's location.

Highlighted Features:

Detailed visual interface: Shows a graphic representation of the moon that changes in real time.

Zodiac calendar: Information about the position of the moon in the different constellations of the zodiac.

Widget for the office: Allows you to have quick access to the current lunar phase from the start screen.

How to use it to observe the moon: Open the app to see the current representation of the moon and use the zoom options for more specific details. You can consult the zodiacal calendar to understand how the lunar position affects different signs.

3. Moon & Garden

“Moon & Garden” takes a unique approach by combining lunar observation with gardening. Based on the biodynamic calendar, this application helps you plan your gardening activities according to the phases of the moon, taking advantage of the lunar influence to improve the growth of plants.

Highlighted Features:

Biodynamic calendar: Ideal for gardeners who want to synchronize their activities with the lunar phases.

Gardening tips: Personalized recommendations based on location and lunar phase.

Gardening diary: Allows you to keep a record of your activities and their correlation with lunar phases.

How to use it to observe the moon: In addition to gardening functions, the application provides a detailed calendar of lunar phases. Use it to plan your lunar observation nights, ensuring that your gardening activities are aligned with the lunar cycle.

Integrating lunar observation into daily life

In addition to its practical applications in activities such as photography and gardening, following the lunar phases can enrich our daily life in less obvious ways.

For example, many cultures believe in the influence of the moon on human behavior and natural events. By keeping a record of the lunar phases with these applications, you can begin to observe for yourself whether there are any correlations in your personal and community life, such as changes in the state of mind or in the patrons of sueño during the different phases.

How to make the most of it:

Personal reflection: Use the application to write down how you feel during the different lunar phases and see if you discover a patron.

Event planning: Some people prefer to organize important social events such as weddings or meetings in specific lunar phases, believing that this can contribute to a better environment or the success of the event.

The science behind lunar phases

Understanding lunar phases from a scientific perspective can also add a layer of appreciation when using these applications. The phases of the moon depend on how the sunlight illuminates the moon depending on its position relative to the Earth.

This phenomenon is what creates the distinct “faces” of the moon that we see from the Tierra: new, growing, full and receding. When using applications such as “Moon Phase Calendar” or “Deluxe Moon”, on the ground you are following a calendar, but also participating in an educational journey that offers you a deeper insight into the laws of physics and astronomy.

How to expand your knowledge:

Educational events: Some of these apps offer articles and news about astronomical events, which can be a great way to learn more about astronomy.

Direct observation: Compare what you see on the app with what you observe in the night sky. This can strengthen your understanding and appreciation for celestial movements.

Creating community through lunar observation

Finally, one of the most beautiful ways to use these applications is as a tool for creating and nurturing communities. Lunar phases are a global phenomenon, experienced by everyone on Earth.

Organizing lunar observation nights or participating in online forums where people share their photos and experiences can be a wonderful way to connect with other lunar aficionados from around the world.

How to get involved more:

Local groups and events: United organizes lunar observation groups. Many cities have astronomical societies that hold regular events.

Social networks and applications: Use the social functions of the applications to connect with other users, exchange advice and share meaningful moments related to lunar phases.

Through these applications, lunar observation is transformed into a rich and multifaceted activity that can improve our understanding of the universe, enrich our daily activities, encourage personal reflection and strengthen community connections.


Observing and understanding the phases of the moon can be a deeply enriching activity. With these three free applications, you have excellent tools at your disposal that allow you to follow the lunar phases on the ground, but that also enrich your daily activities, from photography to gardening.

If you prefer a detailed interface, direct notifications, or a more holistic approach that combines the moon with nature, these applications are indispensable resources for lunar aficionados. So install them today and start enjoying everything the moon has to offer.