How to insert transitions between two videos with ClipChamp - Technology
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How to insert transitions between two videos with ClipChamp



Add transitions between videos with ClipChamp, setting their duration up to 5 seconds and choosing from 25 styles, including cross fade

is the new video editor of Microsoft that after buying it implemented it in the
. Despite being very simple and intuitive, it is well stocked in terms of functionality, even if it doesn't quite make it to video editors that can be installed as desktop applications, such as
da vinci resolves
or the same
open shot

In addition to a quick list of the main functions of the
ClipChamp, available by opening the first link, we have already seen how with the same application you can transform a text into an audio file with
speech synthesischange the background of a video with the
Green screen
and add to the videos of animated text
as transparent background.

In this article we will see how to add transitions between two video clips. Unlike other programs where to create a transition you have to drag the next clip on top of the previous one, with clipchamp overlay occurs automatically and its duration can be set 0.2 to 5 seconds.

for use of clipchamp from your browser or
Microsoft Store I indicate the first post linked. To open the application from Store click in
To startyou type clipchamp

then click on the app of the same name in the search results. O Home editor in which to go to button
+ Create a video

top right corner.

The application interface will open where you can click on

top left. Then go to the link search files and select the video clips from the project that will be added to the section Your multimedia content.

posted on my
Youtube channel

a video tutorial showing how to add transitions between videos.


You drag the videos to the Timeline then they are positioned next to each other. In the left column you choose the section
transitions where the
25 transitions available to users of

With cursor drag and drop, you can drag the transition between the two video clips you want to apply it to. When you release the left mouse button, it will appear in the Timeline an icon indicating the addition of the transition in itself.

clipchamp transitions

The left and right of the transition will show
green highlights inside Timeline. They graphically represent the duration of the transition. By clicking on the yes icon select the transition.

Once you've done that, two buttons will appear at the top:

AND Duration. By clicking on the second you can define with a slider the duration of the transition between a minimum of
0.2 seconds to a maximum of 5 seconds.

At the same time, we will see the two green highlights that will increase or decrease the thickness. If with the slider we increase the duration of the transition, clipchamp automatically
will overlap the 2 video clips.

change transition in clipchamp

When clicking the button Transition we can with one click change the transition choosing another.

O transitions available are the following
Fade to Black, Fade to White, Close, Cross Blur, Mosaic, Ink Effect, Scroll Right, Scroll Up, Cross Fade, Exit Left, Scroll Left, Exit Down, Exit Right, Exit Up, Scroll Bottom, Glitch Reveal, Zoom Out , Flip, Zoom in, Vertical barn doors, Glitch, Thirds, Horizontal barn doors, Circular cleaning
AND liquid bands.

After applying the transitions, we proceed to
preview playback clicking the button
Touch under the player. When we are satisfied, we go up to the right. Exportyou select thescreen ratio
from our video (16: 9, 9:16, 1: 1, 21: 9, 4: 5 or
2: 3) and select the
resolution desired, the maximum is

In any case, a file will be saved MP4 that will end up in the folder download from windows from which to play it. The file can also be saved or shared about
Google Drive, Youtube, TikTok, OneDrive, Dropbox, Pinterest, Box and LinkedIn. Obviously, for that, in this case, we will have to log in with our respective accounts.