In addition to the "Past Life Analyzer" application - Codiclick


The Power of Past Life Regression: Beyond the “Past Life Analyzer” App

Discover more about past life regression plus the "Past Life Analyzer" app. Discover other alternative techniques and therapies that explore past life memories and experiences, offering a journey of self-knowledge and healing.


Past life regression is a technique that awakens curiosity and fascination in many people. The idea of being able to access memories from past lives and understand how these experiences can affect our current lives is inspiring.

Although the “Past Life Analyzer” application is a practical option for exploring this universe, there are other alternative techniques and therapies that are equally interesting and enriching.

Regressive hypnosis: Exploring the subconscious

Regressive hypnosis is a widely used technique in past life regression. In this process, a qualified therapist guides the individual into a state of deep relaxation, allowing them to access memories from the past. During the session, the therapist leads the client through a process of recall, leading them to explore specific events from their past lives.

Through regressive hypnosis, it is possible to experience emotions, sensations and even sensory memories from a previous life. This technique offers the opportunity to understand unresolved issues or recurring patterns in our current lives, enabling a journey of healing and transformation.

Past life therapy: A healing-oriented approach

Past life therapy is another technique that uses regression to explore memories and experiences from previous lives. In this therapeutic process, a qualified professional helps the individual access their past lives, seeking to understand how these experiences may be impacting their current life.

In addition to accessing memories, past life therapy seeks to heal and transform these experiences. During sessions, the therapist works with the client to identify limiting patterns, traumas or blockages from the past and help them release these negative energies. This way, it is possible to promote balance and personal growth.

Interpretation of dreams and symbols: Uncovering messages from the past

Another way to access information about past lives is through the interpretation of dreams and symbols. Our dreams and personal symbols can contain messages and insights about past experiences and their impact on our current lives.

By paying attention to recurring patterns in your dreams, you can find clues about what you may have experienced in past lives. Using a dream journal, where you write down and analyze the images, sensations and emotions you encounter, can be a valuable tool in this process.

Furthermore, the interpretation of symbols can also bring insights into past experiences. By observing the symbols that appear in moments of meditation or even during everyday life, it is possible to better understand the influences of the past in your current life.

Meditation and self-discovery: Accessing our inner being

Meditation is an ancient practice that can connect us with our deepest essence and, potentially, our past lives. By embarking on the meditative journey, we can access memories and information that are stored in our subconscious.

Through meditation, we can find answers to personal questions, as well as connect with the energies of our past lives. There are several meditation techniques that can help facilitate this access, such as visualization meditation, where you imagine yourself exploring a specific scene or moment from a past life.

A New Approach

The search for self-knowledge and curiosity about our past lives has motivated many people to try techniques such as past life regression. However, not everyone has access to qualified professionals and the budget to follow this path.

It is in this context that the “Past Life Analyzer” application stands out. Using artificial intelligence, this application offers a simple and practical way to perform a past life regression.

It asks you a series of questions about your current life and personality, and based on the answers you provide, it uses AI algorithms to analyze this information and reveal details about your past life.

How it works?

The process of using the “Past Life Analyzer” application is quite simple. Just take a photo or choose an image from your phone's gallery and send it for analysis.

The application will then search its databases, where historical images are stored, to find similarities between your photo and those of people who lived in other times and places.

Based on this analysis, the application presents a list of possible past lives, accompanied by images of people who lived at that time or place.

By exploring these past lives, you can read information about the time and historical context, creating a connection to other periods in history and understanding possible influences on your current life.

Benefits and Limitations

Using the “Past Life Analyzer” app offers a number of benefits for those looking to explore their past lives. Ease of use, accessibility and speed are positive points that make the technique more attractive to many. Furthermore, curiosity about past lives sparks the interest and imagination of many people.

However, it is important to emphasize that the analyzes carried out by the application should not be taken as absolute truths. Past life regression, as well as other techniques related to the topic, is still considered controversial by many scientists, who classify it as pseudoscience.

Final considerations

The search for self-knowledge and curiosity about past lives is a journey full of possibilities. Although the “Past Life Analyzer” app is a practical and affordable option, there are a variety of other equally valuable methods and techniques for exploring this fascinating universe.

Regressive hypnosis, past life therapy, dream and symbol interpretation, as well as meditation are just some of the options available. Each of these techniques offers a unique approach to past life regression, allowing each individual to find the one that resonates most with them.

However, it is important to remember that these techniques must be carried out under the supervision of qualified professionals and, above all, they must be carried out with caution and discernment. Although past life regression is fascinating, it is essential to keep it as a complementary tool for self-knowledge, always seeking integration and harmony in our current life.

Explore the options, find the approach that suits you best, and embark on this journey of discovery and personal transformation. Whether through the “Past Life Analyzer” app or other alternative techniques and therapies, past life regression can be a powerful tool for broadening our horizons and connecting with our deepest selves.