See how to request a discount on your electricity bill through the Social Electricity Tariff - Technology
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See how to request a discount on your electricity bill through the Social Electricity Tariff

Financial Education and Conscious Use of Energy: Paths to Energy Sustainability


The Social Electricity Tariff is an important benefit that aims to provide significant discounts on electricity bills for low-income families throughout Brazil. This Federal Government initiative is essential to guarantee access to electricity for all citizens, contributing to reducing social inequalities and promoting the well-being of the most vulnerable communities. In this article, we will detail how to request this discount and what requirements are necessary to qualify for the Social Electricity Tariff.

What is the Social Electricity Tariff?

The Social Electricity Tariff is a benefit designed to grant reductions in the value of the electricity bill for lower-income households. This initiative is regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) and its main objective is to guarantee access to electrical energy for all Brazilians, regardless of their socioeconomic condition. Discounts may vary according to energy consumption and the family's income range.

What are the criteria to be eligible for the Social Electricity Tariff?

To be entitled to the Social Electricity Tariff, it is necessary to meet some criteria established by the Federal Government. Among the main requirements are:

Have registration in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), with monthly per capita family income of up to half the minimum wage;
Be a beneficiary of a government social program, such as Bolsa Família, Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC), among others;
Have an active and valid Social Identification Number (NIS).
Furthermore, it is important to highlight that only one residence per family can benefit from the Social Electricity Tariff.

How do I request the Social Electricity Tariff?

To request the Social Electricity Tariff, the first step is to check whether your family meets the necessary requirements. Next, you must register with CadÚnico and keep the information updated with the responsible bodies. Once registered with CadÚnico and eligible for the benefit, the discount on the electricity bill will be automatically applied by the local electricity distributor.

Required documentation

When requesting the Social Electricity Tariff, it is important to have the necessary documentation on hand to prove your low-income status. Documents generally required include:

Identity document (RG or CNH) of the person responsible for the electricity bill;
CPF of the account holder;
Proof of address;
Social Identification Number (NIS) or Bolsa Família Card;
Proof of registration with CadÚnico.
It is essential to present all documentation correctly to avoid problems in the benefit request process.

Where to request the Social Electricity Tariff?

Requests for the Social Electricity Tariff can be made directly at the service agencies of electricity distributors or through the online service channels provided by these companies. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain information about the program and clarify doubts through ANEEL communication channels and government social assistance bodies.

Benefits of the Social Electricity Tariff

The benefits of the Social Electricity Tariff are significant for low-income families, as they allow them to reduce electricity expenses, thus ensuring greater availability of resources for other basic needs. Furthermore, access to electricity is essential for well-being and quality of life, enabling the use of household appliances, adequate lighting and other essential services.

Awareness and Outreach

In addition to understanding how to request the Social Electricity Tariff, it is essential to promote awareness about this benefit among low-income communities. Families who are entitled to a discount on their electricity bill are often unaware of this possibility, which means they fail to take advantage of this financial assistance. Therefore, it is important that the bodies responsible for publicizing the program carry out educational and informational campaigns, highlighting the requirements to qualify and the procedures for requesting the benefit.

Monitoring and Updating Registration

To ensure that families continue to receive a discount on their electricity bill through the Social Electricity Tariff, it is essential to keep their registration with CadÚnico up to date. Changes in family composition, income or address must be reported immediately to the responsible bodies, to avoid undue suspension of the benefit. Furthermore, it is important that electricity distributors also carry out periodic monitoring of beneficiaries, ensuring that those who are entitled to the discount are receiving it correctly.

Environmental and Social Impact

In addition to the direct financial benefits for low-income families, the Social Electricity Tariff also has a positive impact from an environmental and social point of view. By allowing these families to have access to more affordable electricity, the program contributes to reducing energy exclusion and promoting sustainable development. Furthermore, by encouraging the efficient use of energy and the adoption of more sustainable practices, the Social Tariff can contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change and building a more equitable and resilient future for everyone.


The Social Electricity Tariff is an important Federal Government initiative that aims to guarantee access to electricity for low-income families throughout Brazil. Requesting this benefit is simple and can make a big difference to your household budget, providing significant discounts on your electricity bill. Therefore, if you meet the established criteria, be sure to request the Social Electricity Tariff and enjoy all its benefits.