Brazil Smiles Program: How to Guarantee Your Free Dental Treatment - Codiclick


Brazil Smiles Program: How to Guarantee Your Free Dental Treatment


Taking care of your oral health is one of the most important aspects of your quality of life. In Brazil, oral health is often neglected, especially among low-income populations, due to the high cost of dental treatments.

To address this challenge and ensure that all Brazilians have access to necessary dental care, the federal government created the Smiling Brazil Program. This program is part of the National Oral Health Policy, launched in 2004, and aims to expand and improve the population's access to oral health services in the Unified Health System (SUS).

In this article, we will explore how the Brasil Sorridente Program works, who can benefit from it, and what you need to do to secure your free dental treatment.

What is the Smiling Brazil Program?

The Brazil Smiles Program is a government initiative that seeks to integrate oral health into other public health policies in Brazil. Through this program, the federal government funds and supports the implementation of dental services throughout the country, with the aim of promoting, protecting and restoring the oral health of Brazilians.

The program offers a range of services, from preventive procedures, such as fluoride application and oral hygiene guidance, to more complex treatments, such as surgeries and prosthetic rehabilitation. The main strategy of Brasil Sorridente is to expand the supply of dental services in the SUS, ensuring that these services are accessible, especially for the most vulnerable populations.

What services are offered?

The Brasil Sorridente Program offers a wide variety of dental services, which can be divided into three main categories: basic services, specialized services and prosthetic rehabilitation.

  1. Basic Services: These include procedures such as cleaning, fillings, simple extractions, treatment of cavities, application of sealants and fluoride, as well as guidance on oral hygiene. These services are generally offered at Basic Health Units (UBS).
  2. Specialized Services: For cases that require greater complexity, such as oral surgeries, treatment of advanced periodontal diseases, and endodontics (root canal treatment), the program relies on the Dental Specialty Centers (CEO). These centers are responsible for treating cases that cannot be resolved in the UBS.
  3. Prosthetic Rehabilitation: For patients who have lost teeth, the program offers the possibility of prosthetic rehabilitation, which can include partial or total dental prostheses, significantly improving the quality of life of users.

Who can benefit from Smiling Brazil?

The Brasil Sorridente Program is aimed at all Brazilian citizens who use the SUS. However, priority is given to the most vulnerable populations, such as children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with disabilities and rural or indigenous communities.

The services are free and there is no need to pay for consultations or treatments offered by the program. However, it is important to note that, due to high demand, there may be waiting lists, especially for more complex procedures.

How do I access Brasil Sorridente services?

To access the services offered by the Brasil Sorridente Program, the first step is to look for a Basic Health Unit (UBS) near your home. At the UBS, you can schedule an appointment with a dentist, who will perform an initial assessment and, if necessary, refer you for specialized treatments at a Dental Specialties Center (CEO).

Here are some steps to ensure you can access free dental care:

  1. Registration with the SUS: It is essential that you are registered with the SUS. If you do not yet have your SUS card, you can obtain one at the UBS itself or at other locations that offer the issuance service.
  2. Appointment Scheduling: Find the nearest UBS and schedule an appointment with a dentist. The first appointment usually involves an assessment of your oral health and, if necessary, scheduling follow-up appointments for basic treatments or referrals.
  3. Referral to Specialists: If the UBS dentist identifies the need for specialized treatment, he or she may refer you to a CEO. It is essential to follow all recommendations and attend scheduled appointments.
  4. Regular Monitoring: Oral health requires regular monitoring, so it is essential that you keep your appointments up to date and follow your dentist's instructions. This will help prevent bigger problems in the future.

The Importance of Prevention

Although the Brasil Sorridente Program offers a wide range of free treatments, prevention is the best way to maintain good oral health. A proper hygiene routine, which includes brushing your teeth after meals, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist, can prevent the development of serious oral problems.

In addition, Brasil Sorridente also promotes educational campaigns in schools and communities, with the aim of raising awareness among the population about the importance of oral health. These educational actions are essential to changing habits and improving the population's quality of life.

Challenges and Perspectives

Despite the progress made by the Brazil Smiles Program, there are still significant challenges to be overcome. Inequality in access to dental services continues to be a problem, especially in rural and remote areas where the presence of dental professionals is limited.

In addition, the program faces difficulties such as the lack of adequate infrastructure in some regions and the scarcity of resources to meet the high demand for specialized treatments.

However, Smiling Brazil represents an important step forward in the inclusion of oral health in public health policies. With continued government support and the expansion of services, it is expected that more and more Brazilians will have access to the dental care necessary for a healthy and dignified life.


The Brasil Sorridente Program is a fundamental initiative to ensure that all Brazilians, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have access to the dental care they need. Through an integrated network of basic and specialized services, the program seeks to promote oral health and prevent diseases that can have a significant impact on people's quality of life.

To ensure free dental treatment, it is essential to be registered with the SUS, seek out the nearest UBS, schedule regular appointments and follow the recommendations of health professionals. With a focus on prevention and support from Brasil Sorridente, everyone can achieve a healthier and more confident smile.