General Terms and Conditions of Use - Codiclick

These general terms and conditions of use apply to the services provided by the website


The website codiclick is characterized by the provision of the following services:

news, cooking and well-being blog


All those who wish to have access to the services offered through the website must first inform themselves about the rules that make up this instrument, which will be available for prompt and wide consultation, in a direct link on the website itself.

When using the site, the user fully accepts these rules and undertakes to observe them, under the risk of applying the applicable penalties. Before starting any navigation on the site, the user must be aware of any changes or updates to these terms.

The user may also be notified by email or directly on the website of any changes to these rules.

If you do not agree with any of the rules described herein, the user must immediately refrain from using the service. If you are interested, you can also contact the customer service to present your reservations.


the website editor codiclick undertakes to use all the technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the service 24 (twenty-four) hours a day, 7 (seven) days a week. However, he may, at any time, interrupt, limit or suspend access to the website or some of its pages, in order to carry out updates, content modifications or any other action deemed necessary for its proper functioning.

These general terms and conditions of use apply to all extensions of the website codiclick in social networks or in communities, both existing ones and those yet to be implemented.


For good management, the site editor codiclick may, at any time:

a) suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the website to a specific category of Internet users;

b) remove any information that may disrupt the functioning of the website or that is in conflict with local law or international law;

c) suspend the website in order to carry out updates and modifications.


The editor will be responsible for any defects or vices found in the services provided by the website. codiclick, provided you have given them cause. Defects or technical or operational vices originating in the user's own system will not be the editor's responsibility.

The editor is only responsible for the information that was directly disclosed by him. Any information included by users, such as in comments and personal profiles, will be their own responsibility.

The user is also responsible for:

a) for the correct use of the site and its services, emphasizing good coexistence, respect and cordiality in the relationship with other users;

b) for compliance with the rules contained in this instrument, as well as the rules of Brazilian and international law.

The publisher will not be responsible:

a) the intrinsic characteristics of the internet, mainly related to the reliability and origin of the information circulating on this network;

b) for the contents or illicit activities carried out through its website.


The website codiclick may contain external links redirecting the user to other internet pages, over which the editor has no control. Despite prior and regular checks carried out by the publisher, it disclaims any responsibility for the content found on these sites and services.

Links may be included on pages and documents on the site codiclick, as long as they do not serve commercial or advertising purposes. This inclusion will require prior authorization from the publisher.

The inclusion of pages that disseminate any type of illicit, violent, controversial, pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory or offensive information will not be authorized.

The publisher reserves the right to withdraw at any time a link leading to its own service if the source page does not comply with its editorial policy.


The structure of the site codiclick, as well as the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos and other computer applications that compose it, are the property of the publisher and are protected by Brazilian and international legislation regarding intellectual property.

Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the contents, brands and services offered by the website, by any means whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorization of the publisher, is strictly prohibited, with the possibility of resorting to civil and criminal measures. applicable. Only elements that are expressly designated on the website as free of copyright are excluded from this provision.

Access does not generate for the user any intellectual property rights relating to elements of the site, which remain under the exclusive property of the publisher.

Users are prohibited from including data on the website that could modify its content or appearance.