The 7 Technologies of the Future That Are Already Among Us - Codiclick


The 7 Technologies of the Future That Are Already Among Us


When we think about “future technologies”, it is common to imagine science fiction scenarios, where robots, artificial intelligence (AI) and radical innovations are part of everyday life.


However, some of these futuristic technologies are already present in our reality and shaping the way we live, work and interact with the world.


Below, we will explore seven of these technologies that seem to have come out of the movies, but are already part of our daily lives.


1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often portrayed in movies as something distant and dominated by sentient robots. However, it is already among us in various forms.


Machine learning, a subcategory of AI, is used to predict behaviors, automate processes, and personalize experiences.

One of the most visible examples is virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, which respond to voice commands, learn our behavior patterns and facilitate everyday tasks.

Companies in sectors such as healthcare, transportation and even entertainment use AI to improve the accuracy of diagnoses, predict machine failures and suggest movies or music based on your personal taste.

2. Autonomous Cars

Self-driving cars were once a vision exclusive to futuristic films, but are now a reality.

Companies like Tesla, Google's Waymo and Uber are leading the development of autonomous vehicles that could completely change the way we move around cities.

Self-driving cars use a combination of sensors, cameras and AI to navigate streets, avoiding obstacles and making decisions in real time.

Although they are still in the testing phase in many places, progress is being made rapidly, and it is likely that in the near future these vehicles will become commonplace, reducing accidents caused by human error and transforming the concept of transportation.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are technologies that allow more immersive interaction with the digital environment.

AR overlays digital elements onto the real world, while VR creates a completely digital environment in which users can interact.

These technologies are already being used in a variety of areas. In entertainment, games like Pokémon Go have popularized AR, while VR headsets are being used to provide immersive experiences in games and even in virtual tours of tourist attractions.

Furthermore, these tools are increasingly used in sectors such as education, where students can view content interactively, and in the training of professionals, such as pilots and surgeons.

4. 5G: The New Era of Connectivity

5G technology is already being implemented in several parts of the world and promises to transform the way we interact with the internet.

With speeds much higher than 4G and incredibly low latency, 5G will enable virtually instantaneous communication between devices.

This technology will not only speed up the internet on our smartphones, but will also enable the advancement of other innovations, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), self-driving cars and smart cities.

In the not-too-distant future, the connectivity provided by 5G will be essential for the functioning of urban systems, such as traffic lights, emergency services and public transport.

5. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the connection of everyday objects to the internet, allowing these devices to communicate with each other.

From smart refrigerators that alert you when the milk is running low to security systems that can be monitored remotely, IoT is turning our homes into “smart homes.”

In the industrial sector, IoT is revolutionizing the way factories operate.

Sensors connected to machines allow you to monitor production in real time and predict problems before they happen, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

6. 3D Printing

3D printing is another technology that is already among us, but still has great potential for transformation.

Initially used for prototyping, 3D printing is now used to create final products in sectors such as fashion, construction and medicine.

In medicine, 3D printing has been used to create custom prosthetics and even artificial organs such as kidneys and livers.

In construction, the technology has already been used to print entire houses in less time and at a significantly lower cost than traditional methods.

As technology advances, 3D printing promises to further revolutionize the way we produce goods.

7. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Although the concept of blockchain gained fame with the emergence of Bitcoin, its application goes far beyond cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that ensures security and transparency in digital transactions, and is being adopted in a variety of industries, from supply chain to smart contracts.

The use of cryptocurrencies, meanwhile, is growing and promises to change the way we deal with money. Major companies like PayPal and Tesla have already started accepting payments in Bitcoin, and some governments are exploring the creation of their own digital currencies.

Blockchain is also being tested in areas such as elections, to ensure more secure and transparent processes.


What once seemed distant or exclusive to science fiction films is now a reality in our lives. The technologies of the future are already here, transforming the way we live and redefining what is possible.

As these innovations continue to evolve, their impact will only grow, shaping the future in ways we can barely imagine.

The important thing is that we are prepared to embrace these changes and make the most of what these technologies have to offer.