Quiz - Explorers and Colonizers of the USA: Test Your Knowledge! - Codiclick

Explorers and Colonizers of the USA: Test Your Knowledge!

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Who led the first European expedition to cross what is now the continental USA?
Hernando de Soto
Christopher Columbus
John Smith
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado



Which explorer is credited with discovering the Grand Canyon and the Great Plains during his search for the legendary cities of gold?
Hernán Cortés
Marco Polo
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
Amerigo Vespucci



Who founded the colony of Roanoke, known as the "Lost Colony"?
Sir Walter Raleigh
John Rolfe
Sir Francis Drake



Which French explorer is known for sailing down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico?
Jacques Cartier
René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
Samuel de Champlain
Jean Ribault



Which Spanish explorer is credited with the first circumnavigation of Florida, confirming it as a peninsula?
Juan Ponce de León
Vasco Núñez de Balboa
Hernán Cortés
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca



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