The 3 Best Apps That Reveal Who Visited Your Profile - Codiclick


The 3 Best Apps That Reveal Who Visited Your Profile


Curiosity about who views our social media profiles is common. Whether on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, many of us have wondered, “Who’s checking out my profile?” Although many social platforms do not provide this information directly.

In this post, we’ll explore the three best apps available that claim to offer this functionality, discussing how they work, their advantages, and their disadvantages.

1. Profile Tracker for Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world, and many users want to know who is visiting their profiles.

Profile Tracker for Instagram is one of the most well-known apps that promises this feature. It offers a user-friendly and simple interface, making it accessible even to those who are not very tech-savvy.

How It Works:

The app analyzes interactions that other users have with your profile, such as likes, comments, and story views, and uses this data to generate a list of people who likely visited your profile.

It’s important to note that Instagram does not provide an official API that allows third parties to access information about who visited your profile. Therefore, Profile Tracker relies on interaction data and does not guarantee 100% accuracy.

  • Intuitive Interface: The simplicity of the design makes it easy for anyone to use.
  • Free: The app offers a free version with basic features.
  • Detailed Tracking: In addition to showing who likely visited your profile, the app also provides information about the interactions these users had with your posts.
  • Limited Accuracy: As mentioned earlier, the app does not have direct access to Instagram’s data, so the generated list is based on assumptions.
  • Advertising: The free version of the app contains ads, which can be annoying for some users.

2. Who Viewed My Profile for Facebook

If you’ve ever wondered who has been viewing your Facebook profile, the Who Viewed My Profile app is one of the most popular options to try to find out. This app promises to provide a list of users who visited your profile, offering insights into who might be interested in your posts and activities.

How It Works:

Similar to Profile Tracker, Who Viewed My Profile uses publicly available data, such as interactions and post views, to determine who may have visited your profile. It can also analyze friend suggestions that Facebook offers, as these suggestions often include people who recently viewed your profile.

  • Focus on Facebook: Unlike many apps that try to cover multiple platforms, Who Viewed My Profile is specific to Facebook, meaning it can offer a more focused and detailed analysis.
  • Notifications: The app offers real-time notifications whenever someone new views your profile, which is an interesting feature for those who like to stay informed.
  • Privacy Concerns: Many users are concerned about the security of their data when using third-party apps. While Who Viewed My Profile claims to be safe, it’s always good to be cautious when granting access permissions to your profile.
  • Inconclusive Results: Like other apps, this one is also based on assumptions and cannot provide an absolutely accurate list of visitors.

3. LinkedIn Who’s Viewed Your Profile

Unlike the other social networks mentioned, LinkedIn offers an integrated feature that shows who viewed your profile. While this basic functionality is free, there is a premium version that offers even more details and insights into who has been visiting your page.

How It Works:

Within LinkedIn, users can see a list of the latest visitors to their profiles. For those who want more detailed information, such as how long the person spent on your profile or which sections they visited, LinkedIn Premium offers these features.

  • Guaranteed Accuracy: Unlike third-party apps, LinkedIn offers this functionality natively, ensuring that the information is accurate and reliable.
  • Additional Tools: The premium version offers a range of additional tools, such as sending direct messages to those who viewed your profile, which can be useful for networking.
  • Cost: The biggest drawback of LinkedIn Premium is the cost. To access advanced features, users need to pay a monthly subscription, which can be a barrier for some.
  • Limitations in the Free Version: In the free version, you can only see a limited list of visitors, and often users may be browsing in anonymous mode, which prevents viewing.


While the curiosity to know who visited your profile on social media is high, it’s important to keep in mind that most apps that promise to reveal this information work based on assumptions rather than concrete data. Social networks like Instagram and Facebook do not offer official APIs for this type of functionality, which limits the accuracy of the results.

On the other hand, platforms like LinkedIn offer an integrated and accurate solution, but usually with an associated cost. When choosing one of these apps, it’s important to consider not only the features offered but also the security of your data and the accuracy of the information provided.

Whatever your choice, remember to use these tools responsibly and stay informed about the privacy and data usage policies of the social networks you frequent. After all, protecting your personal information should always be a priority.